Product Code : COM-PAM

Brand Category : Public Address control central & software


Control computers with the necessary hardware and software for managing the units of the PA control systems. The programs installed and configured in-factory for each application, allows the configuration, programming and supervision of the system. The COM-PAM hardware is prepared for constant operation (24/7) and comes with a threeyear “in situ” manufacturer guarantee against errors or breakdowns in the operating system or the machine

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Technical Specification

• Live or pre-recorded messages.

• Selection/editing of zones and groups of zones.

• Graphic interface with plans and presentation of units on them.

• Assignment of priority levels, musical programs, pre-recorded announcements...

• Control and dynamic assignment of announcement volume.

• Digital announcement recording (WAV, MP3, WMA...)

• Time programming. • User profiles.

• System parameters and unit status on-screen supervision.

• Events log and alarm files. 

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